Tips for Overcoming the Pitfalls of

Tips for Overcoming the Pitfalls of a Fully Remote Workplace at Your Association

Tips for Overcoming the Pitfalls of a Fully Remote Workplace at Your Association

Remote workplaces have undeniable advantages, like reducing costs and improving employee work-life balance.

However, it is no secret that a fully-remote workplace also comes with its downsides. What challenges should you expect to ensure the success of the organization?

In his 2021 book, “Virtual Boss”, entrepreneur Ralph Burns asks the question: “How do we get top-tier performance from people when you don’t see them every day?” It’s a question that can be solved, and when you find yourself running an effective virtual office, the benefits and rewards can be incredibly significant.

Here are five pitfalls you should anticipate when shifting to a remote setup:

1.   Isolated Employees

One of the most prominent issues you must address in work-from-home setups is isolation.

It’s easy for employees to feel lonely when they’re alone at home. Unfortunately, isolation can damage people’s productivity and lessen their engagement.

As an association leader, it’s vital to encourage your employees to socialize and interact.

You can do this by creating opportunities for them to meet in person. If your employees are too far away from each other, you may even organize regular online games for the group.

Moreover, remember to set schedules for checking in with your team.

2.   Lack of Boundaries

Research shows that 41% of remote employees feel work stress compared to only 25% of people who work on-site. The reason for this is the lack of boundaries in the remote setup.

When people work from home, switching off after a full day of work becomes difficult. They can get requests from superiors anytime, even late at night. As a result, your employees may work even after work hours.

To address this issue, you should set policies on the appropriate times when your workers can call or email each other. Be sure to teach your employees to respect each other’s time!

3.   Communication and Delayed Response Times

Communication is key to running an association. Yet, communication easily breaks down when your workforce isn’t meeting face-to-face.

For association leads, ensuring team cohesion through communication is essential.

To do this, you can hold frequent online meetings and communicate your goals for projects. That said, always ensure the meeting stays on topic and avoid extending it further than necessary.

4.   Cybersecurity and Technology Issues

Having a work-from-home setup means you get less control over your team’s devices.

For instance, employees may use their work laptops to connect to unsafe sites. They can also pre-save their passwords on their personal phones.

Because of this, your association’s cybersecurity can become compromised!

As a leader, you should invest in cybersecurity and technology. Hold awareness seminars to protect your team from cyber attacks.

5.   Lack of Performance Evaluations

Working remotely may be difficult for some association staff members because there’s a need for self-discipline.

A great way to overcome this challenge is by holding regular performance evaluations.

Set measurable goals for each individual and log their accomplishments. By having a record, and documentation, you can hold your employees accountable and encourage them to stay productive.